Steve Roberts, LLC
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The typical Denver slip-and-fall settlement is anywhere from $15,000 to $250,000 with larger million-dollar slip-and-fall settlements being awarded in more serious cases. An experienced personal injury attorney near you will have the knowledge and expertise to give you an accurate picture of the compensation you may be able to recover. Imagine you slipped and fell on spilled milk at the grocery store or tripped on the escalator at the mall. Due to these accidents, you may have suffered serious injuries as a result and were hospitalized for weeks. Your medical bills are mounting and on top of that, you can …
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Pedestrians hit by a car in Denver often suffer life-changing injuries. According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, there have been 37 pedestrians killed in traffic crashes. Pedestrians have the right of way in marked crosswalks and drivers need to yield to pedestrians by giving them the right of way at stop signs or signals. In Colorado, pedestrians hit by a car are allowed to sue any driver who is at fault for the collision and receive compensation to help cover the costs of their injuries. How Much Money Can You Get From Getting Hit by a Car As a …
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Traumatic brain injuries are unfortunately all-too-common in the United States. Traumatic brain injury is described as the alternation in a person’s brain function, or other evidence of brain pathology, due to an external force. Traumatic brain injuries, or TBI, cost the economy over $60 billion each year in lost productivity, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC tracks statistics related to traumatic brain injuries on a periodic basis. The CDC has reported this data to U.S. Congress from time to time. Congress passed legislation in 1996 that allows states to obtain information on the …
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Motorcycle accidents happen for all kinds of reasons, and often they have nothing to do with error on the part of the motorcycle rider or other motorists. Mechanical problems with your motorcycle can surface without your knowledge and can prove costly or fatal in the event of an accident. Awareness of some specific mechanical issues that frequently cause accidents can help you avoid injury. When injuries do occur, it is always best to contact a Colorado motorcycle accident lawyer near you. Malfunctioning or Damaged Steering Mechanisms Check your steering mechanism regularly and provide the regular maintenance your bike’s manufacturer recommends. …
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Colorado is a popular place for motorcycle riding, and the late fall and early winter can be a wonderful time to take in the mountain scenery on your bike. However, dangerous driving and not being careful can result in injuries and the need for a Colorado motorcycle accident injury lawyer. Follow these tips to help keep yourself safe on the road as the seasons change. Plan Your Route The Live to Ride project from the Colorado Department of Transportation offers a motorcycle skill-rating map. This resource can be handy for planning your ride and ensuring the route you’re planning matches …
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