He is a great, smart personal injury attorney that cares so much about his clients! Kate C.
Look no further than Mr. Roberts! He made one of the hardest experiences a rather smooth one for me. Vicki C.
He first made sure I was treated for my injuries, then took care of my case. Raymond B.
My experience with Steve Roberts was positive from the first moment I consulted with him. Mysti C.

Blog Archive

Oct 12

A Rundown on Eye-Opening Wrongful Death Statistics

Accident statistics often yield counter-intuitive findings. Most people, for instance, might think that motor vehicle accidents lead to more accident-related deaths than any other single cause. However, numbers provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) suggest otherwise. Per the CDC, in 2013, there were 33,804 traffic-related deaths, equivalent to 10.7 deaths per 100,000 members of the United States population. While this is certainly a high figure, an astonishing 38,851 unintentional poisoning deaths occurred in the United States in 2013. For easy comparison, that is 12.3 deaths per 100,000 people, a number that exceeds the amount of motor vehicle deaths …

Oct 5

More New Scientific Research on Spinal Cord Injury Therapy

Our deep dive into the latest spinal cord injury research continues with two more exciting developments in the field of spinal cord research. The first study reveals a potential treatment option designed to improve the lives of patients, and the second study showcases a technique that could help restore lost intrinsic hand functions. In their paper, Sulfonylureas—A novel Treatment to Reduce Tissue Damage after Acute Spinal Cord Injury?, published in Vol. 14 of the Lancet Neurology Journal, authors Elizabeth J. Bradbury, Matt S. Ramer and Leanne M. Ramer, suggested there may be a novel treatment option for spinal cord injury …

Sep 28

New Scientific Research on Spinal Cord Injury Therapy

New advances in spinal cord treatment give reasons for optimism for injury victims. Below, we review findings from two new, promising studies. The first study, Role of Endogenous Neural Stem Cells in Spinal Cord Injury and Repair, came from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Authors Moa Stenudd, Hanna Sabelstrom and Jonas Frisen examined the role of endogenous neural stem cells. They found that these cells play a positive role in the spinal cord repair process. Spinal cord injuries generally always result in glial scar formation, and these scar formations can have both positive and negative effects on recovery. Ependymal cells …

Sep 21

Fascinating New Research on Traumatic Brain Injuries

If you or someone you love suffered a brain injury or head trauma in a motorcycle accident, slip and fall or sports incident, you’re probably very interested in learning about the latest research on head injury treatment. To that end, this post summarizes and looks the implications of two recent studies on traumatic brain injuries (TBI). The first study, Distributions of Magnetic Resonance Diffusion and Spectroscopy Measures with Traumatic Brain Injury, comes by way of the University of Miami’s School of Medicine. Authored by Andrew Maudsley, Varan Govind, Bonnie Levin, Gaurav Saigal, Leo Harris and Sulaiman Sheriff, the study demonstrated …

Sep 1

Surprising Long-Term Consequences of a Traumatic Brain Injury [Insight for Caregivers]

As someone who cares deeply about a Colorado traumatic brain injury victim, you face many unpalatable, challenging choices in months ahead. For instance, you may need to make decisions regarding whether a concussed and unconscious spouse should undergo surgery, or you may have to come to terms with the fact that your loved one’s personality has been radically altered by the brain injury. Why Brain Injuries Are Different—Trauma’s Chance Affects on Neurochemistry The brain is an unfathomably complex and poorly understood organ. Despite our increasingly advanced knowledge of neurobiology, scientists still don’t know what causes the changes that take place …



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